Barry “Bear” Mustus
Barry’s combined experience and educational background along with hi- aboriginal ancestry as Nakota, who is well connected to the land can easily assume the role of President of the non profit organization, The Whitecourt Isga Tourism Association .
Barry’s educational background varies widely from NAIT Business Administration which focused on accounting practices but also included a marketing and management component that has development his understanding of both business planning, implementation and development. Additionally, Barry studied at the University of Alberta in the Native Studies and Anthropology program. The combination of educational programming has promoted thorough knowledge of the business planning process. His insights have necessarily become an asset in creating the current plan which places him in the primary position to oversee the implementation of the business plan to develop a Nakota traditional theme park within the provincial park.
In the past he has participated in the development of Band owned businesses that have operated both on and off reserve. One such business included an oilfield construction company which followed trust law. Barry had the benefit of watching the incorporation process first hand, which will become an asset relative to the establishment of the Whitecourt Isga Tourism Association . Developing a plan for an authentic traditional Nakota encampment requires a person who has previous experience as a traditionalist who practices every aspect of an indigenous person gaining livelihood from the land. As the family hunter and gatherer, Barry gives tremendous weight to the traditional way of living and by virtue is an avid outdoor adventurist who is keen on sharing outdoor living skills. A primary objective of his is mentoring family members and others who wish to learn traditional values and lifestyles of the Nakota people. Furthermore, he grew up and graduated high school in Whitecourt and his father was born at Mcleod Lake along with his older brothers, his father, and grandfather were all inhabitants of the area surrounding the lake so my connection to the land predates the provincial park and Alberta.
From a personal perspective he is personable and able to build rapport with most people, and his understanding of the liability issue is such that the safety and security of participants is first and foremost. His approach to spiritual well being includes a clear understanding of prayer and faith which will remain constant over the duration. Obviously, he is determined to complete this plan as he has developed several projects to relocate the historical trail used to access the lake for over 23 years; additionally, the current business plan has been in the research and development stages since 2015.
More than anything, he understands market trends and there are clear trends that indicate a move in the mainstream towards overcoming cross cultural barriers that have existed for far too long between first nation communities and the municipalities located within the traditional territories.
Finally, he is passionate about this endeavour, and he firmly believes that his background will allow him to oversee operations of the foundation through implementation and operation.